Our Shop
Our professional shop is located at 1522 E. Capitol Drive, Shorewood, WI 53211. It’s easy to see the store with our big octopus mural holding scissors, knives and all the items we sharpen on the side of the building. We offer three ways to use our shop!
Dropbox Schedule an Appointment Drop-in
Drop Box
- Leave your tools, scissors and knives in the drop box that looks like a treasure chest. They will be returned either same or next day. Pay with cash, check, or card upon pickup. Your total will be noted on your bill. View our pricing here.
- We will call you when your sharpening is finished. There is never more than 24 hour turnaround and we tell you what you owe when we call. You can pick up items during store hours.
How to deliver your knives:
- Keep your knives in a block, if you have one. If not, cover the blade with cardboard from a cereal or cracker box.
- Firmly wrap the item in an outer covering such as newspaper, a towel or plastic bag.
- Secure the the outer wrapping with rubber bands
- Mark your name and contact information on the knives. Please include your phone and email address.
You can drop in our shop anytime during our posted business hours